Most people seek therapy because of a crisis in their lives, something that has overcome their ability to manage their mood or anxiety level. Sometimes there is a long-standing chronic stress that is becoming less and less manageable and more symptomatic, with a final ’last straw’. Sometimes a crisis comes rapidly and surprisingly. Many people are having difficulties right now because of the recent economic challenges here in Michigan and in the greater economy with job losses, loss of retirement funds, natural disasters, and a general mood of stress and worry. Other examples include:
In addition to all of the above, you might be someone seeking therapy with past positive therapy experiences wanting to continue on that path of self-realization and growth. A large percentage of my clients have had prior psychotherapy.
Take Action. Sometimes it’s hard to make that call – to take that first step. A phone call is not a commitment. I offer a free initial phone or office consultation. It may be important for you to interview several psychotherapists to identify one with whom you are comfortable, and who has the knowledge and skills to help you.
I welcome your call to discuss your questions and concerns and help you get started on this path of awareness and health. I offer a free 30 minute initial phone or office consultation to assist you.